The Importance Of Mathematics In Education

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Pupils may ask why math is necessary, but quality math instruction must ensure that this question is asked infrequently. Instruction should incorporate techniques that are designed to demonstrate to children the relevancy of math to their daily lives, the world around them and their future careers it is an important element that is used to analyse and communicate information and ideas. It is a important tool that can be used throughout life to enable things to be done that might otherwise be one way of teaching flexibility, initiative, accuracy and systematic logical thinking, and is a source of interest and fun. Here are 5 factors that may affect number skills development; School factors - Although the home is an environment for developing…show more content…
The instructional approaches and materials used, the strategies employed to teach it, and the availability of books, technology, and other resources are clearly important to establishing teaching and learning patterns in the classroom. The teacher is very influential in the classroom environment. This can include his or her preparation and training they has been undergone, use of instructional approaches, and experience in teaching reading. Finally, the behaviours, attitudes, and numeracy level of classmates may influence the teacher’s instructional choices, thereby affecting a student’s number skills development. Such things need to be observed and considered before delivering these different approaches. Home factors - Certain characteristics in a home can create a climate that encourages children to experiment and explore number…show more content…
The success a country has in educating its children and producing a numerate population depends greatly on the country’s emphasis on the goal of numeracy for all, the resources it has available, and the mechanisms it has in place for providing effective programs and incentives that encourage number skills. Personal factors - Cognition and learning - There are several skills that pupils need to function in the classroom: literacy skills, numeracy skills, organisation, memory and comprehension. Some pupils have great difficulty in these areas and require access strategies that ensure that their difficulties don’t prevent them from acquiring and applying new knowledge that promotes self-confidence and self-esteem. Dyslexia is an example of a barrier to learning within the area of cognition and learning. It is a combination of strengths, often in artistic, spatial and creative thinking, and weaknesses that affect the acquisition of reading, spelling and writing skills and sometimes number and calculation. Learners with dyslexia may also have additional difficulties such as short-term memory, organisation, sequencing, slow processing and motor
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