The Importance Of Constructivism In Education

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Mathematics is proposed to seek out patterns and utilize them to devise new conjectures. The learning gap in mathematics of high school students causes for an alarm. Many high school students who are enrolled in Algebra 2 or Geometry lack the fundamental mathematical skills to succeed. High school mathematics teachers have difficulty filling this void while meeting prescribed time frame for units and benchmarks. For this reason, I want to explore the topic: Constructivism: How does constructivism impact the teaching and learning of mathematics in four middle schools in the Greenville School District? As a mathematics teacher, one must consider diversity within the classroom because students acquire knowledge and skills at different times and in different ways. Several teachers are slaves to the teacher-centered classroom and resist change for a more student-centered environment. It is of paramount importance that teachers use various teaching strategies to accommodate students’ learning styles. My inquisitiveness leads my interest in investigating if there is a correlation between constructivism (active learning) and students’ performance in mathematics at the middle school level. I want to know if the gap in students’ mathematical skills at the high school level is attributed to the teaching strategies at the lower level? There is a…show more content…
In recent times, there has been a paradigm shift towards active learning in the mathematics classroom. Reformed secondary mathematics curricula promote inquiry-based pedagogies characterized by the construction of mathematical understanding through student investigation, collaboration, and communication (as cited in Chapman & Heater, 2010; Nolan & Walshaw, 2012). Constructivist support active learning to enhance critical thinking, students’ motivation, and participation in the learning environment. Below is a list of research that support this

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