Essay On Beauty Standards

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How Beauty Standards Are Linked to Adolescents’ Body Satisfactions We all buy clothes only because it is fashion, or go on a diet when summer is around the corner so that we can show off our beautiful, thin bodies lying on the beach. At some point, many women spend hundreds of dollars on beauty and make up products to look prettier. And even go through extremely painful and expensive plastic surgeries to change the way their bodies look. Why do we feel like we need to fit in with these beauty standards? Is that because we are dissatisfied with our bodies? On this paper I am going to investigate how beauty standards across different cultures are linked to body satisfaction among adolescents. This topic is widely examined by researchers (Jefferson&…show more content…
We all know beauty standards vary from country to country. A study called Perceptions of Perfection Across Borders illustrates how beauty standards vary in eighteen different countries by asking designers from those countries to “photoshop” a picture of a woman according to how their countries perceive actual beauty. The aim of the study was also to determine how much pressure women experience among different countries (Superdrug Online Doctor, n.d.). Most countries such as Italy, China, the UK, the USA and South Africa made the woman look thinner. Some pictures were completely different than the original one. As I mentioned before, a study by Zhang illustrates how Chinese women were influenced by media. Zhang (2012) also points out that these women were under cultural and societal pressure to look beautiful. Because according to Chinese culture, actual beauty is having light skin, small nose, small face, big eyes etc. And women who do not have these features were even forced to go through plastic surgeries by society, family and friends. This pressure obviously leads to body image concerns among Chinese women. In addition to these, Asian American adolescents and Anglo American adolescents differ for body and face satisfactions because Asian American adolescents are under sociocultural pressures because they think they are not as beautiful as Anglo American adolescents due to their ethnic features, leading to lower body and face satisfactions (Frederick, Kelly, Latner, Sandhu& Tsong,
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