Teaching Effective Teacher

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Teaching Effectiveness and Job Satisfaction of Secondary School Mathematic Teachers. Dr. Sunila Dhir Lecturer, HCE, Mandola (Bhiwani) Abstract Job plays a important role in one’s life. If a person’s seek to be happy and productive; having a strong sense of job satisfaction is important. When a person is dissatisfied with his job, this tends to have an influence on his on the whole attitude on life. A teacher is a decision maker. He is the representative of society. So, it is…show more content…
Curriculum and syllabus are framed, new techniques of teaching are explored, different types of teaching aids are collected, suitable textbooks are written but all these are useless in the absence of competent and effective teacher. American Commission on Teacher Education says, “The quality of a nation depends upon the quality of its citizens, the quality of its citizens depends- not exclusively, but in critical measures upon the quality of their education. The quality of their education depends, more than any other single factor, upon the quality of their teacher.” Therefore, quality of mathematics education to a great extent will definitely be determined by the quality of mathematics teacher. The job satisfaction is the one of the factors that affects the effectiveness and working of a teacher. The question occur what type of mathematics teachers are there in our schools for the effective realization of the aims and objectives of mathematics teaching. Are they satisfied from their job? Objectives of the Study: The objectives of study…show more content…
After collecting the data, the data was organized and analyzed to draw the results. Table: 1 Job Satisfaction of Mathematics Teachers Type of Teachers Scores N Mean S.D. T Significance Total Male Total Female 100 100 57.3 53.3 8.2 6.3 5.4 .01 Total 200 53.9 7.8 The mean 53.9 (S.D.= 7.8) of total implies “Dissatisfaction with job” teachers. Male teachers with a mean score of 57.3 (S.D.=8.2) and female teachers with a mean score of 53.3 (S.D.=6.3) are differently categorized on the satisfaction continuum. Male teachers are moderately satisfied and female teachers are dissatisfied with their jobs. The t ratio of the value of 5.4 confirms the difference as significant statistically. Table: 2 Job Satisfaction of Mathematics Teachers (Urban/Rural) Type of Teachers Scores N Mean S.D. T Significance Male Urban Female Urban 30 30 63.4 58.0 7.2 5.6 3.3 0.01 Male Rural Female Rural 70 70 51.5 50.5 7.6 6.4 1.2
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