Critical Thinking In Mathematics

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One of the essential 21st century skills students are required to develop is critical thinking. Over the years, educators and researchers have long been cognizant of the importance of critical thinking skills as a learning outcome (Huber & Kuncel, 2015; Lai, 2011; Moore & Parker, 1992). In a constantly changing world, the escalation of critical thinking in educational system is driven by global, local, technological, societal and economic factors (Allen & Scozzi, 2012). This condition has challenged schools to develop and evaluate critical thinking skills as part of student’s learning (Firdaus, Kailani, Bakar, & Bakry, 2015) The development of critical thinking skills has become the main goal in mathematics education worldwide (NCTM, 2000).…show more content…
During the past decades, a large number of studies have systematically examined the effects of teaching process on critical thinking in mathematics and how critical thinking is assessed. For example, Rohayati (n.d.) analyzed students’ critical thinking in mathematics through contextual teaching and learning. She found out that the students who were exposed to contextual teaching and learning have critical thinking better than those who were exposed to traditional approach. In addition, the results of the study conducted by Firdaus et al. (1992) revealed that there are positive effects of the use of mathematical learning module based on problem-based learning in enhancing critical thinking skills in mathematics students. In their study, assessment of critical thinking skills focused on identification of information, information analysis, and evaluation of evidence and argument (Firdaus et al. 1992). Similarly, Burris and Garton (2007) conducted a quasi-experimental study to determine the effect of problem-based learning on critical thinking ability and content knowledge among selected secondary agriculture students. They found out that there was difference existed between groups on critical thinking scores and students in the supervised study group scored higher than students in the problem-based learning group…show more content…
Snyder and Snyder pointed out that there are several blockades that can hamper the integration of critical thinking in instruction. These blockades include lack of training, lack of information, preconceptions, and time constraints. Although critical thinking in mathematics education has not received much in-depth study and analysis, a judicious number of studies related to pedagogical and assessment practices in enhancing critical thinking in mathematics are available. A recent literature review of critical thinking (Lai, 2011) provided profound information about the definition of critical thinking, development of critical thinking skills, and best practices in assessing critical thinking skills. This review was limited to conceptual definition of critical thinking. Mitrevski and Zajkov (2011) concluded in their report that science and mathematics teachers are not familiar with the term critical thinking. The need to raise the awareness of critical thinking among mathematics teachers and
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