Factors Affecting Mathematics

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This study was conducted to examine different factors influencing the interest and academic performance of secondary school students in Mathematics in a metropolitan city in Nigeria. The respondents for this study were 525 students and 75 teachers. A survey was conducted to identify some of the factors hindering the teaching and learning of mathematics in the study area using a structured questionnaire as a means of data collection. We designed two separate questionnaires for both mathematics students and teachers. The investigation shows that lack of qualified teachers, lack of interest on the part of the students, lack of instructional materials, lack of motivation for both teachers and students and poor remuneration are some of the major…show more content…
According to the report by the National Education Research Development Council (NERDC, 2004) on students’ performance, it is disheartening to note that research and data from National Examination Bodies like West African Examination Council (WAEC) have shown a consistent poor performance in this subject. Majority of secondary school students often dread and show negative attitude towards mathematics and the trends of their achievement in the senior Secondary School Certificate Examination is also a source of worry to the stakeholders (Awofala, 2000). The poor performance of students in mathematics has become a source of worry to many citizens of the…show more content…
This is based on the consistent poor achievement of students in mathematics in both external and internal examinations. 2.0 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The objective of this study is to determine the problems that students and teachers encounter during the teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools in the study area. Research Question: What are the problems that hinder the teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools in Makurdi Local Government Area of Benue State? 3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. 3.1 Research Design This work is descriptive. It is concerned with the collection of data for the purpose of identifying the factors affecting the teaching and learning of mathematics evidence from Makurdi Local Government Area of Benue State. It involved sampling by using structured questionnaire to generate data that will be analysed so as to gain insight into the topic under

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