The Importance Of Job Security

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Job security is defined as the probability for an employee to keep his or her job for a long time, in other word, until retirement. A job with high level of security is the employee has less chance to being unemployed from his or her particular job [Griffin, Ricky W. (2000)]. In short, job security gives a definition as the ability for an employee to stay in the organization, working in a same job and same employer, before being redundant. Bolman and Deal (1997) [as cited in (Chan, 2012)] recommended that to make the employees to think their jobs are secured, organization should provide promotions to improve employees’ skills as well as support them to stay with the organization. The promotions like bonus, increases the salary, promotes…show more content…
As evidence, a study of job security and job satisfaction found out that job dissatisfaction is the outcome of insecurity among employees which conducted by Ashford S., Lee C and Bobko P., (1989). Moreover, based on past research by Brocker and Cooper-Schneider (1992) [as cited in Ndlovu and Parumasur (2005)], job security was promoted on the purpose to gain back the employee loyalty to remain in the organization. Job security has a positive effect on employee retention (Akerlof and Yellen, 1986). As cited in Morrell et al. (2004) in their study on Japanese employees, the employment features like job security will lead to high level of commitment, job satisfaction as well as employee retention in an organization. An empirical study which conducted by Maertz and Campion (1998) [as cited in Alnaqbi Waleed (2011)], job security is a key motivator in influencing employee retention. This statement also directly support by Muhammad Hassan et al. (2012) in his research which established that there is a positive correlation between job security and employee
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