Importance Of Social Security

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3.Social Security Measures available for the people in the village According to my understanding social security measures means, steps by which people feel comfortable and secure in their environment, their society and can be protected against crisis in the economic, financial, and other arenas. These measures are brought into place so that any individual or a section of the population has the backup in case of facing vulnerability and discrimination. The social security measures in India were set-up because India declared itself a welfare state and brought in laws to provide and protect the citizen. The social security measures I saw in the village were: 1.village upliftment program 2.self-help groups 3.implementation of NREGA scheme 4.anganwadi…show more content…
The village upliftment program is a two-year initiative by the HIH to include the local bodies in decision making and to help create jobs on the villages across various sectors, leading to a sustainable job market and environment. the E-Governance centre in the village is part of the village upliftment program, which allows individuals to prepare for government exams, fills in forms, get their identity proofs made and enhance skill training through online courses etc. the e-governance centre plays a major part in bridging the rural-urban gap because in today’s society of internet and social media, a lot of opportunities are present for an individual to grab, irrespective of their location or standing in the…show more content…
With the help of HIH the women have their own businesses, which is a social enterprise. These women have a very structures and functional system to help them with manging the organisations while meeting the demands of the family and society. Interacting with the women I felt that they were really glad for the change in their scenarios after the groups were formed and these groups are government recognised and very active. The Self-Help Groups is a fantastic platform for married, unemployed women to master a skill and promote themselves from the feeling of desolation or poverty or hopelessness they must have felt when the village men spent their earnings in alcohol which is a very common problem amongst the villagers there. CONCLUSION Overall the rural camp was a fantastic experience, it showed us the multiple realities that exist in India and the manifestation of these realities in terms of living conditions, availability, accessibility. it taught me the importance of labour, respect for women who still go the farms for using toilets, the traditional and community based living in the village as well the hardships of the people, the struggles for visibility and of carrying the tradition but opposing the oppression in the community. The rural camp will be a memorable part of my learning always. REFERENCES Themes, U. (n.d.). Retrieved August 20, 2017, from

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