Essay On Gay Adoption

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We all need a mom and a dad We live in a society where adoption is a normal aspect of life. Yet, the family structure that we ought to know have had some changes throughout the century. Gay couples adopting children and raising them have raised many questions, such as; is this ethical or moral? What kind of effect can this have on the child? Adoptions main reason is to be able to give a child a safe, loving and stable environment. In other words putting the child’s welfare in focus and maybe this is just something gay couples cannot provide. Children have the right to a mom and a dad, mainly because it is a mom and a dad that produces the child, not two men or two women. Children have the right to be raised by a mother and a father, - Pope Francis. The mothering and fathering are different, and this difference is good for the child’s upbringing. The mother plays an important role in the child’s life from the day of conceiving and until the child is past their teens. She helps to develop the child’s ability to communicate, sense of security, solving problems, understanding responsibility and helping the child to develop a social arena. All this does make sense, since women are often softer, always taking responsibility and women are more social than men are. Will a child get this if he or she lives in a house with two…show more content…
She talks about the love she has for her mum and her mum’s partner, also love for the gay community. However, she despite the teaching that gay parenting is as same as traditional parenting. Heather is now a mother of four kids and lives with them and her husband. Growing up she missed her dad’s place in her life, it created a hole in her heart that a second mom could not fill. Many children are raised by a gay couple are told that having two moms or two dads is perfectly normal, but it is

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