Quality Of Work Life: The Importance Of Human Resource Management

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1.2 Statement of the Problem Parvar, Allanieh and Ansari (2013) contend that the most basic strategic resource that every organization has is the human resource and that the success of any organization or work environment is directly dependent on the efficient use of human resources. Beloor, Waraswamy and Swamy (2017) found out that lack of awareness of quality of work life among employers and employees leads to the importance of quality of work life in an organization not being taken care of well and so resulting in dissatisfaction in the job and increasing absenteeism thus leading to non performance. Yogesh and Renil (2016) stated that over a period of time psychologist and management thinkers understood various illnesses which were created…show more content…
The needs for fulfillment as those of Abraham Maslow’s motivational theory of needs hierarchy are comparable with those of the factors of quality of work life. Basic needs like monetary benefits come first with good working conditions following. Later comes career planning, growth and development of human capabilities. Lastly challenging work is advocated by Walton to satisfy self actualization need in hierarchy. According to Herzberg, quality of work life concerns itself with satisfiers called motivators and disatisfiers called hygiene factors which improve the work life of employees. Motivators appeared to be closely connected with the job and appeared to produce motivated behaviors whilst hygiene factors were connected with the…show more content…
They defined quality of working life as satisfaction of these key needs through resources, activities and outcomes stemming from participation in the work place. Needs as defined by the psychologist Abraham Maslov were seen as relevant in underpinning this model, covering health and safety, economic and family, social, esteem, actualization and knowledgement. Waraswamy and Swamy (2013) used the following components to measure quality of work life of employees in private technical institutions: Work environment, organization culture and climate, relation and co-operation, training and development, compensation and rewards, facilities, job satisfaction and job security, autonomy of work and adequacy of
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