Security Incident Response Teams Paper

738 Words3 Pages
1. Chen, T., Shore, D., Zaccaro, S., Dalal, R., Tetrick, L., & Gorab, A. (n.d). An Organizational Psychology Perspective to Examining Computer Security Incident Response Teams. Ieee Security & Privacy, 12(5), 61-67. Security Incident Response Teams are a major trend within IT organizations. This article covers the incident response teams, team membership, and membership role. This article is for those who need a better understanding about what the security incident teams do. You learn from this article how the incident structure responds to incidents. This article broke down the responses in four phases which really stood out. The four phases were properly illustrated with play by play activities. Also within the Incident Response Teams were…show more content…
Today social media has become very popular dominating today’s workplace. Since social media is so popular, this article is written for all generations that are working professionals. In this article the legal risks that have often associated with employee’s use of social media on the jobs are broken down throughout each section. This article defines in-depth definitions while giving user examples on how easy a person can misuse social media in the workplace. The text also outlined examples of social media misuse, social media protection, and the importance of social media discovery. Now that social media has become so popular its important employers incorporate it into their organization. It’s a requirement that each company should hold users responsible for misuse of social media, employees' privacy and other legal rights, and social media use in…show more content…
This outline each threat which can help a technical and non-technical audience understand security trends and the actions needed in order to prepare for and respond to security incidents. Attacks frequently cause the compromise and corruption of confidential and critical data. Incidents involving viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, and other forms of malicious code have disrupted or damaged millions of systems and networks around the world. The following are benefits of having an effective incident response capability. Responding to incidents systematically and according to written procedures and checklists, so that the appropriate steps are taken in response. Using information gained during incident response to better prepare for preventing and minimizing the impact of future incidents, and providing stronger protection for systems and

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