The Importance Of Job Satisfaction

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Today’s work force is predominantly dynamic that has enormous opportunities and challenges from the market and customers. Understanding such dynamism is very crucial to the achieve organisation’s objectives. A well-defined and executed organization culture is the core to job satisfaction. More than compensation and many things, what matters today is job satisfaction. It is the final output every organization desires. Employees tend to stay longer in the organization if they have job satisfaction. There are many successful organizations known for higher levels of job satisfaction among their employees. If compared with other sectors, power sector employees are generally considered to have a direct linkage with all over sectoral developments…show more content…
Some workers may be satisfied with one aspects of their organisation and others may be dissatisfied with the same aspect. Various people have defined job satisfaction in their terms. According to Locke and Lathan (1990), job satisfaction is pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experience. Job satisfaction is the result of sound HR policies built on democratic values. According to Mitchell and Lasan (1987), it is generally recognized in the organizational behaviour field that job satisfaction is the most important and frequently studied…show more content…
Secure job environment enhances the degree of job satisfaction. Management must create an environment of job security among employees. There should be a challenging environment. The job should provide enough scope for the employees in terms of promotion and transfer. Chandrasekar (2011) argue that an organization needs to pay attention to create a work environment that enhances the ability of employees to become more productive in order to increase profits for organization. He also argued that Human to human interactions and relations are playing more dominant role in the overall job satisfaction rather than money whereas management skills, time and energy, all are needed for improving the overall performance of the organization in current era. Sell and Cleal (2011) developed a model on job satisfaction by integrating economic variables and work environment variables to study the reaction of employees in hazardous work environment with high monetary benefits and non-hazardous work environment and low monetary benefits. The study showed that different psychosocial and work environment variables like work place, social support has direct impact on job satisfaction and that increase in rewards does not improve the dissatisfaction level among

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