Theory Of Job Satisfaction

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Job satisfaction The concept of job satisfaction is one of the major concerns for any organization. It is well known fact that happy employees can contribute more for organizational performance. The literature shows that previous studies on employees’ psychological conditions, such as their feelings, attitudes and behavior towards their work and organization, have strong significant effect on employees’ performance. Job satisfaction is very essential for the service based industries (for example, banking) due to the fact that if employees are happy then only they can treat their customers well and deliver quality services more than that of customer expectations. Accordingly, customer will be satisfied which further leads to organizational…show more content…
The theory viewed job satisfaction as environmental factors as well as the job related factors. The theory highlighted that employees neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with their job; the theory also highlighted that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are extreme opposite to each other. Vroom’s (1964) theory of job satisfaction viewed job satisfaction in terms of interaction between personal and workplace variables. According to this theory, if the employees perform well then they receive higher compensation accordingly. If there is difference in the expected compensation and received compensation then the employee tend to dissatisfy. In line with Vroom (1964), discrepancy model of job satisfaction highlighted that if employees’ expectations are high, then they are likely to dissatisfy with their job when they don’t get expected value (Lee, 1992). The theories which focus on these line are Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, ERG theory, Two-factor theory and McClelland’s needs theory (Aamodt,…show more content…
According to the theory, job satisfaction is determined by situational characteristics and situational occurrences. The theory stated that employees consider certain factors called situational characteristics (such as pay, supervision, working conditions, promotional opportunities, and company policies) before accepting the job. On the other hand, situational occurrences include all those factors which can take place after taking up the job. The occurrences may positive (ex, paid vacation) or negative (bad relationship with co-worker) depending on the

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