ICU Patient Satisfaction

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Satisfaction of care is becoming an integral part of the hospital setting, a component which can be measured in a variety of methods. Patients that are of the highest acuity and require the greatest level of care are admitted to the Intensive Care Units (ICU) within the hospital. While being cared for in the ICU, patients may experience a myriad of procedures, assessments, consistent care provider traffic, and among all else, a plethora of emotions. Many of these patients are accompanied by spouses, family and friends alike, all of whom have the patient’s interests and well-being at the forefront. As the healthcare industry relies increasingly on the quality of care provided, “patient satisfaction in critical care is rarely measured,…show more content…
This particular study was conducted in a Western New York hospital containing 4 adult ICUs. The highest degree of satisfaction from patients and their families was identified with the nursing care, with “friendliness and kindness” of the nursing staff as a highlight (Boev, 2012). While there are many implications of this study, it is relevant to current nursing practice in regards to the perception of a work environment that is healthy and promotes a culture of positivity. Another area of application that can be further addressed is the relationship between patient satisfaction and reimbursement for care to the…show more content…
ICU nurses are most often exposed to a high-paced, demanding environment in which “the nurses have better collaborative relationships with physicians than most other types of units studied,” (Breau and Rheaume, 2014). In this particular study, nurses were asked to evaluate various measures of their work environment including the degree of empowerment given to the individual nurses, support provided by mid and high level managers, job satisfaction, and intent to leave. Overall, nurses staffed in units where team cohesion was ranked as high were more likely to stay within the unit and had a higher degree of satisfaction. In turn, this leads to a decrease in staff turnover and higher quality of care. Units in which the nurses held a higher degree of empowerment such as inclusion on policy or workflow changes directly affecting nurses, opportunities for further education, and a perceived higher level of support from management led to a healthier unit in general. “Nursing foundations … and job satisfaction partially predicted perceived quality of care and patient safety outcomes,” (Breau and Rheaume, 2014). Aimed towards analyzing degree of empowerment for nurses on the floor of ICU units, the intended

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