Job Satisfaction Research Study

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Electronic copy available at: 1 Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction: An Empirical study of R & D Organization By Jahanzeb Shah MS (MS) Fall 2007, Group B, SZABIST, Islamabad. Abstract The study is conducted to examine the Organizational Culture theory and practices with emphasis on the effectiveness of satisfaction and motivational dynamics in the areas of employee’s satisfaction and retention. The problem statement is based on whether it is only the compensation package which has the worth of retention and employee satisfaction or it is the overall organizational culture which has a pivotal role in retention and making employee satisfy. In order to testify problem statement, the R & D organization Integrated…show more content…
1.1 Objectives of the Study A very few number of studies have investigated the relationship between job satisfaction and various organizational variables. The basic aim of conducting this study is to find the 3 different variables which have an effective influence in bringing up the satisfaction and loyalty in the individuals job. The organization’s culture requires that management must recognize the underlying dimensions of their corporate culture and its impact on employeerelated variables such as satisfaction, commitment, cohesion, strategy implementation, performance, among others. Job satisfaction and motivation has a great importance not only for employees but also for employers. It increases productivity and decreases staff turnover. Employer, who can create work environments that attract, motivate and retain hard working individuals, will be able to better position his organization or company in a competitive market environment. So, in order to achieve a competitive position in the market, employer must know that which factor plays crucial role in retaining hardworking individuals with…show more content…
In related studies, Nystrom (1993) investigating health care organizations, found that employees in strong cultures tend to express greater organizational commitment as well as higher job satisfaction. Despite these few studies, a void appears to exist in literature examining the direct link between organizational culture types and job satisfaction. As a matter of fact, if we look at IBM then every one at IBM is expected to follow three fundamental principles: respect individual, strive for excellence and provide the best service .one way top management shows its respects for individual is by treating all employees as equals. IBM hires employees for life no one will lose his her job unless he or she consistently fails to meet clear standards or violates the ethics code. There is no distinction between white, blue and pink color workers. Many employees will move through a line and staff position over the course of their career. All employees are encouraged to continue their education

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