What Is Job Satisfaction

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Ch. 16 Discussion: Job and Life Satisfaction Do you believe that job satisfaction will change as an individual ages? Why? Yes, there are different priorities and different stages of life as well as different expectations. However, is it worth noting that research also shows that different personality traits contribute to job satisfaction throughout different stages of life . Job Satisfaction as Young Adults Job satisfaction tends to be low, while young adults are just now developing and exploring their interests and aligning them with their abilities and available jobs. Employment during early adulthood tends to be lower than other stages because they are more mundane, less creative, restrictive, less empowered, more repetitive and less…show more content…
Whereas young adults are establishing their careers and exploring their options, middle adults are at the “top of their game”, having gone through multiple promotions and usually sitting close to the top of the career ladder, whereas older adults usually have more of a “been there done that” approach to everything in life leading to higher satisfaction, including their jobs. Therefore, having this change in attitude towards the job is inline with research that shows different levels of satisfaction at different career stages and its impact on overall life satisfaction. Life and Job Satisfaction for Young Adulthood Young adults have many things going on at the same time. They are establishing relationships, exploring the world and applying two-decades worth of studies to the “real word”. As such, life satisfaction is usually low as we tend to be satisfied with accomplishments and young adults are just now beginning to accomplish, and still have a whole life of opportunities and challenges ahead of…show more content…
Old adults tend to be more satisfied overall and another aspect of this satisfaction comes from Job satisfaction. One study showed that the importance of work for the attainment of non-work goals appears to level off in the mid-life period but is greater for people at the end of the work-life cycle . Furthermore, it found that intrinsic and financial rewards are valued primarily at the younger ages, and less important at the latter stages of the life cycle, further showing satisfaction increases amongst older workers . Granted, the study is old and society has changed significantly, however, human development and life stages remain constant, and this supports later research emphasizing job satisfaction amongst older

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