The Importance Of Feedback In Student Language Learning

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Writing is an important skill contributing to the student’s language learning. However, learning how to write is not easy because writing is considered the most difficult skill to acquire. According to Zacharia (2007), it requires having a certain amount of L2 background knowledge about the rhetorical organization, appropriate language use or specific lexicon with which they want to communicate their ideas. Therefore, the teachers have to make an effort to help students enhance their writing skill and increase their motivation to accomplish the writing task. One of the most useful techniques to help the student develop writing skill is giving feedback. There are two common types of feedback that teachers usually use when give feedback are:…show more content…
According to Almasi (2016) the teacher written corrective feedback affects to reducing students’ errors on grammatical items, both subsequently revised writing and in the production of new writing. In addition, the reduction of errors in students’ writings was, in fact, a result of learning from teacher feedback that they received the treatment and they applied in their activities. Similarly, Kahraman & Yalvac (2015) claim that corrective teacher feedback is a necessary element of L2 writing classes. The students can benefit from the teacher's feedback which will improve their writing competencies in L2 writing classes. Furthermore, it is concluded by Srichanyachon (2012) that through feedback teachers can help students compare their own performance with the ideal and to diagnose their own strengths and weaknesses. In fact, language accuracy is a very important focus for teachers’ feedback. When providing feedback teachers should not simply respond to grammar and content but should include comments of praise and encouragement in their written feedback. Indeed, the students who did not receive any feedback had no opportunity to see their errors and they could not correct themselves so they could not improve their skill in using articles in L2 writing. Feedback provided had a significant effect on the accuracy on students’ writing accuracy. It is an excellent tool help students know what they…show more content…
The indirect correction may not succeed because it does not provide sufficient information to resolve complicated errors. In addition to these claims, learners whose errors are corrected by indirectly do not know whether their own corrections are true or not because of that indirect corrective feedback is seen inappropriate for L2 learners. Furthermore, Zaman & Azad (2012) found that many students were not motivated to attend to indirect feedback given to them. They preferred written direct feedback as this was easier to understand and they thought they would gain from this. The proficiency of students are low, this is probably the reason why they prefer direct feedback. Therefore direct corrective feedback is suggested when learners are low levels of English

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