The Importance Of Process Writing

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As for the explanation of the process writing approach another according to other expert are as follows. The five-step process writing approach described by Donald Graves (1983) is presented here. Step (1): Prewriting. The goal here is to generate ideas. Listing, brainstorming, outlining, silent thinking, conversation with a neighbor, or power writing (described below) are all ways to generate ideas; Step (2): Drafting. Drafting is the writer’s first attempt to capture ideas on paper. Quantity here is valued over quality. If done correctly, the draft is a rambling, disconnected accumulation of ideas. Most of the writing activities in the classroom involve just these first two steps. Only those drafts that students feel are interesting or of…show more content…
2). The first document is the English Competency-Based Curriculum, released by the Ministry of National Education of Indonesia (Depdiknas, 2001a, b). In this curriculum rational, otherwise, That is the language that is widely used by many countries. Britain is ready to embody the global rules. Aside from being the language of science, technology and art, this language can be a tool to achieve economic objectives and trade, relations between countries, socio-cultural goals, education and career development for people. Mastery of the English language can be regarded as a key condition for the success of individuls, society and nation of Indonesia in addressing global challenges of our time. Mastery of the English language can be obtained through a variety of programs, but the program of English teaching in schools seems to be the main facility for Indonesian students (Depdiknas, 2001 alba, pp. 1-2). As for the role of English in Indonesia is like that described in the Curriculum lajutan, in the state of Indonesia, English language support is as a means to understand, learn, and develop serperti state of technology, science, economics, and culture. And besides, the UK has a very important role in establishing the relationship between Indonesia and other countries (Depdiknas,…show more content…
2). The challenges of writing itself and lack of appropriate teaching methodelogy demotivate EFL (English as Foreign Language) learner in some to write more. Writing as a process of producing of a text which also the result of their critical thinking seen as the difficult skill to be learned. Therefore, in order to helps students to face their difficulties in writing, teacher should understand clearly the purpose of teaching writing. As cited in curriculum for senior high school, the content standard of English for senior high school described the purpose of writing is to construct the contextual text. It further mentioned that teaching writing is to construct meaning and rethorical step of the text by using appropriate language in order to communicayve well in society. Regarding to those purpose f teaching writing . teacher should direct the students in oreder to be able to create the text rhetorically based on the context

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