Raw Bite Case Study Solution

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2.a “Create a healthy snack which does not taste healthy” Nikolaj Lehmann was the idea to start a business of Raw Bite I found interesting the story of growth as well as simply I like the idea of healthy food tasting unhealthy, I once heard a quote which sounded along the lines of as only the unhealthy food tastes good which I can relate to, I feel like Raw Bite is a part of a movement of so much variation of healthy food which tastes good. Raw bite has today sold almost 7 million bars and had a gazelle company gross profit of +861%. It managed this fast growing process by scaling, It extended its product line, invested heavily in the business, increased manufacturing capacity in Denmark and in 2016 will enlarge corporate infrastructure. The…show more content…
By integrating the new approach into the creation of business models which mainly consist of core planning, will connect various literature on the nature of new value creation. By the direct linking of opportunity and business creation provides a fresh view into how and why value is captured through entrepreneuring. It also helps to distinguish between opportunities being objective or constructed ( Alvarez & Barney, 2007) One of the biggest differences between the dynamic states and stages models is that is presents a more grounded and less abstract view of entrepreneurial organization. The dynamic states approach is more accurate then stages theory but it is also more optimistic for entrepreneurs of today. It offers flexibility, more awareness, ventures can endure fra longer with bigger…show more content…
The company is driven by a limited staff and that is where most of the value of the company is based on. The company's growth might not sustain the growth if the staff is to be all of a sudden changed. The 6 personnel team as mentioned is above their 50's if they feel like one candidate is able to take over the roles. An exit strategy in terms of management buyout or simply selling out the company might occur. An exit strategy is important in a way ways, it first of all helps to define the success of the business. The way of getting into an investment tends to be easier than getting out and for investors it can be an indication of investing in. No exit strategy meaning no view of money return in many cases, no exit strategy for an investor might indicate a lifestyle business rather than high-growth venture. It is believed than knowing of what to do to in the end of business journey, makes the vision, strategy clearer of, the cycle does to. Exit strategy helps getting on track, illuminates when feeling uncertain and can be used as a strategic heading. The right exit strategy protects wealth, attracts good employees, and attracts a smoot transition12. It gives an efforts, allows to set up an entrepreneurial endeavor and allows for clearer communication to a venture of team and investors(William Link - co founder of Newport Beach - based Versant Ventures). 3.c 11 p.272. Advancing Firm

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