Learning In Nursing Students

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Introduction: Learning in the practice setting is an essential component in the education of nursing students (Perry,2009). The aim of this learning is to enable students to achieve the domains of competence and become safe, caring, competent decision makers willing to accept personal and professional accountability for evidence based nursing care (ABA 2000). Preceptors are registered nurses responsible for supporting students to achieve competence within the clinical setting (Frazer et al, 2014). Preceptorship has become the predominate model of clinical nurse education and remains crucial to the development of skills and knowledge for nursing (Frazer et al, 2014).Throughout this composition the role of the preceptor in linking theory and…show more content…
They have a huge impact on the clinical learning environment and on the development of students competence and confidence. Gleeson (2008) acknowledges the importance of good models of support for undergraduate students to facilitate learning. According to Bandura's (1965) social learning theory people generally adopt the standards exhibited by ideal models. For a student that model is their preceptor. The preceptor is facilitating clinical learning by the characteristics they display and the way they act in different clinical situations (Davies 1993) . In nursing many skills are complex and as a result require repeated demonstrations to provide appropriate learning. Bandura (1977) suggests that the ability of the observer to obtain the observed behaviour is paramount and two mechanisms can aid in this retention, rehearsal of the behaviour and administering this behaviour. It is important that the preceptor accepts the student as a learner who can contribute to the delivery of quality patient care. Not only are positive role models inclusive to the patients learning but negative role models also play a role in their learning . Students learn by observing what these negative role models do and know not to follow their…show more content…
When a student goes on clinical placement they expect to identify their preceptor as a role model for practice , someone whom they look up to and strive to be like and someone who they are looking to become for their future in the profession. They expect to copy this particular role models behaviour, to be taught by this person and have the confidence and respect to raise any fears they may have with their role model(Donaldon and Carter, 2005). As a role model demonstrates professional practice to the student ,the student observes in the aim that they will demonstrate such a skill. According to Bandura (1974) by informing others in advance that they would be asked to reproduce modelled behaviour, they are more likely to pay closer attention. The student not only learns from their preceptor but also from the other colleagues , in combining each person's different ways of practice to ensure the best quality of patient care. Role modelling supports the integration of theory and clinical practice and contributes to the future development of the profession (Price, 2004). Many of the truly intricacies of truly outstanding nursing care cannot be learned by reading a textbook or searching the internet, it is learned in the heart of the organisation by the role models who facilitate and encourage the learning opportunities for students (Perry,

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