Essay On Pleasure Principle

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1 Introduction In the past the methodology of teaching was very different from the one we know today. There was no mentioning of motivating one’s learners or giving positive feedback. They were presented with a topic that they had to learn by heart. Nowadays very much has changed. Teachers try to motivate their students and help them be more autonomous in their learning. They play games, solve riddles and tell jokes. The atmosphere in the classroom has changed and students are very eager to participate in the activities the teacher has prepared. My thesis is that riddles, jokes and other similar activities can be found in modern English coursebooks for Slovenian primary schools, in order to motivate students intrinsically in to learning…show more content…
Some of these activities are games, riddles, joke and other. I will mention intrinsic motivation and the positive consequence it can have on learning a foreign language. In the last section of my paper I will analyse a coursebook for Slovenian primary schools and try to confirm my thesis. 2 The Pleasure Principle According to Freud (1922) “the pleasure principle” automatically controls our mental operations. It is believed that any given process comes from an unpleasant state of tension and it regulates for itself such a path that it avoids pain or produces pleasure (Freud, 1922). The pleasure principle is a way to for teachers to motivate their students in different stages of a lesson. The process of learning is much easier if the lesson evokes genuine interest in the student himself and if there is a good teacher-student rapport. Most classes are mixed ability classes, in which students have different personalities, talents and abilities. But they share their view on the importance of pleasure. Pleasure in a classroom can take many different forms, from puzzles, jokes, games to entertainment and performance (Prodromou,

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