The Importance Of Family Communication

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Current literature reveals that family businesses considerably differ from nonfamily businesses with regard to communication behaviours, attitudes and values that are rooted in the family firm. Further, recent family research also affirms that the role of communication is a vital aspect in developing the resource in form of internal social capital which is used to cultivate relationships and increase trust (Pearson, Carr & Shaw, 2008, p. 958). The coupling of the two subsystems – the family and its business – is the coupling of two social systems that operate according to different functional principles. That relates to the type as well as to the contents of communication. Practically, it is reflected in rules of interaction and communication that are logically mutual exclusive. Someone who follows a certain rule cannot follow another one. If employees of the company are identical with members of the family, the difficulty inevitably lies in identifying who acts in which role. Whereas relational context in nonfamily companies is clearly marked by different players, the personal identity of players in family businesses increases the likelihood of ambiguity (Schlippe et al., 2009, p. 44). In relation to communication patterns…show more content…
By definition, family communication patterns “are internal models individuals use to interpret the actions and beliefs of other family members” (Carmon & Pearson, 2013, p. 91). Through patterns of family communication, individuals develop their own propensities for communication. They are based upon conversation and conformity orientation that allow individuals to interpret their relationships with other members of the family. Conversation orientation is the extent of open and honest communication whereas conformity relates to the extent of shared beliefs. These communication patterns allow family members to develop a shared reality (Carmon & Pearson,
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