The Pros And Cons Of Bilingualism

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According to the opinions of three parents, children might experience some difficulties with communication. They realise that it is not the bilingualism to be accused of. For them it seems to be a side-effect of bilingualism. The mother from the family NFA is conviened that it does not matter how correct the utterances are, German monolinguals still notice some tiny details in the speech of a bilingual and the bilingual person is perceived as a foreigner, not a native speaker, by the society. The mother from the family NBN thinks that a bilingual person might have some problems while communicating with German monoliguals if the former has been raised only with the Russian culture and primarily with the Russian language. A third mother has mentioned…show more content…
One participant added that a Russian-German bilingual person can act independently while visiting such countries and extract more from the visits (family KDD). Summing it up, the parents estimate positively the possibility of their children to grow up with two languages. The arguments provided by the parents in favour of bilingualism serve as a proof of their positive attitudes. In general, a unitary idea expressed by the participants directly or indirectly runs in the following way: If I can teach my child another language why I should not make use of this possibility, especially when it does not cost me any effort. Moreover, for the parents whose dominant language is Russian, communicating with their children in this language is the most natural thing. During the interviews there was one peculiarly curious thing: Five parents confessed straightforwardly that the decision about bilingual fostering had been made uncosiously (see Anstatt 2008). Four more participants needed a lot of time to formulate the answer to the question why they had made up their minds to raise the children bilingually. The last six participants replied with confidence, thus, giving an indirect evidence of their determination to transmit the Russian language to the children. None of the participants mentioned that they had read any literature devoted to bilingualism or discussed FLP with their

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