Healthy People 2020: Curriculum Analysis

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Healthy People 2020 (HP2020) defines social determinants of health as, “conditions in the environments in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks.” The social determinants of health targeted in this curriculum include societal stigma, cultural beliefs, economic status, and environment. This curriculum aims to address some of the key components of social determinants of health that contribute to mental health amongst low income, middle aged, working fathers. Through targeting low income middle aged fathers in the workplace the program will tackle behaviors such as drug abuse, communication, and self care education to improve participants…show more content…
One example would be the issue depression, which is often interrelated with drug use. Often times, men turn to alcohol or other drugs to deal with depression, and often exhibit frustration, irritability, anger, and abusiveness (National Institute of Mental HealthAccording to the National Institute of Mental Health, 2015). According to Anderson, Kohler, and Letiecq (2015), 12.7% of men in the general population are diagnosed with depression yearly in the United States. Although children who are raised by alcoholic fathers experience greater incidences of attention disorders, impulsivity, antisocial behavior and substance abuse, improvement in behavior has been significantly demonstrated among those children whose fathers receive treatment for their addictions. The curriculum meets this specific need by educating participants on the importance of coping with the stress caused by social determinants of health through self care, positive communication, healthy lifestyles, and advocating for other men who suffer from depression.. This will open the door for a healthier mental lifestyle. The curriculum will meet the need by educating participants to evaluate social determinants of mental health and find ways to deal with those stress factors that more than often affects the family and…show more content…
One of those issues, for example, is tobacco use. According to Healthy People 2020, “ As a result of widespread tobacco use, approximately 443,000 Americans die from tobacco-related illnesses, such as cancer and heart disease, each year. An estimated 49,000 of these deaths are the result of secondhand smoke exposure. Tobacco is among one of the health issues that the curriculum will cover, being a big health issue among all population groups The aim is to educate on the importance of living a life free of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Helping the male population learn about the effects of those substances and the benefits of living a drug free life can set a positive example of taking control of life by learning how to deal with life’s problems in a healthy way. The beneficiaries are not only the individuals, but also families and friends. Lastly, being drug free will create healthy individuals and will reduce the risk of being hurt and hurting others by

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