Calgary Family Assessment Model Paper

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Introduction The purpose of this paper is to obtain a greater understanding of family centered care and assessment models that were implemented. Family has a significant impact on each others' health and wellbeing, therefore nurses have an ethical and moral obligation to involve families in their health care practice (Wright & Leahey, 2013). The first step in implementing family centered care is facilitating an assessment and exploring the family’s psychological and social circumstances (Kendall & Tallon, 2011). The Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) is an organizing framework used to collect data, which allows nurses to focus on clinical issues in a way that helps the family deal with complex and often difficult situations (Thome & Arnardottir,…show more content…
As of right now the couple does not live together full time so they still in charge of their own routines. When T.D. travels to E.K.'s place she usually does the cooking and cleaning and dictates the chores that still need to be done. Her definition of a clean house is much different than E.K.'s is, so she is generally unsatisfied until it is done her…show more content…
This intervention is aimed at the affective domain of family functioning and would be used to reduce intense emotions that may be blocking this families' problem-solving efforts (Wright & Leahey, 2013). E.K. and T.D. feel like they are arguing more with each other since they have taken on more responsibility and it is harder to agree on a solution. Many people have increased stress with increased responsibility and as a family they need to support each other. Egan and Schroeder (2009) suggest "getting things out on the table" as an initial stress reduction technique (p.246). To capitalize on their great communication skills, the couple needs to stop holding back because they are too afraid of hurting the others feelings. It is important to acknowledge strong emotions and to reassure each other as a way to offer hope and to know that in time they will develop new coping skills and stronger resiliency (Wright & Leahey,

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