One Hundred Years Of Solitude Analysis

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Magic and Fantasy in One Hundred Years of Solitude On the 17th of April 2014 one of Colombia’s best known author Gabriel García Márquez passed away, at the respectable age of 87. In the South American continent García Márquez is affectionately known as ‘the Gabo’ or ‘the Gabito’, what is more he was the first Columbian, and only the fourth Latin American, to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982. Notably, García Márquez was a screenwriter, short-story writer, journalist, and novelist who showed no shyness in his criticism of foreign and Columbian politics. However, the author claimed most of his notoriety with his novel One Hundred Years of Solitude; “a revolutionary novel that provides a looking glass into the thoughts and beliefs of its author, who chose to give a literary voice to Latin America” (Geetha 345). In an interview for The Atlantic the author García Márquez comically stated: “If I hadn’t written Cien Años [One Hundred Years of Solitude], I wouldn’t have read it. I don’t read best sellers.” (Kennedy). Furthermore,…show more content…
The realistic details unite the ordinary as well as the extraordinary, which is a paramount paradox of magic realism. Even though, in an interview García “all but dismissed the improbable quality of it, saying only: “It is the umbilical cord.”” (Kennedy). As a final point, the ending of García Márquez’s novel is particularly interesting; “The last three pages of One Hundred Years of Solitude contains one of the keys to the [novel], one which gives access to its total fictionality” (Monegal 485). Since, an unexpected epiphany is decisive for Aureliano’s destiny, his reading of Melquíades words is described by the author as
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