Purnell Model Of Cultural Competence In Health Care

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Compare and Contrasts Cultures According to Sutton (2000) “culture shapes individuals’ experiences, perceptions, decisions and how they relate to others” (para. 1). Douglas et al., (2014) explain the relationship between diverse knowledge and culturally congruent care. To obtain the level of sensitivity needed health care providers must seek to understand the customs, tenets and rituals of both individuals and their families in order to provide a positive influence on the health care needs of their patients. Cultural encounters are utilized to build knowledge and skills regarding diverse backgrounds. (Campinha-Bacote, 2011). Campinha-Bacote, (2011) emphasizes the dual importance of both the patient’s cultural beliefs as well as the health care provider. To increase cultural competence for patients of Costa Rican decent, using a cultural encounter with a second generation Costa Rican coworker and a personal family member is beneficial (APPENDIX A). The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the results of a cultural encounter to define the views of family, communication and religious…show more content…
(Campinha-Bacote, 2011). Beliefs and values regarding family and communications are seen within the first few domains of the Purnell Model of Cultural Competence ([PMCC], 2013) Several similarities are identified within comparison of JA’s, Costa Rican and TJ’s American cultures, including beliefs in lifelong commitment to marriage, spiritual beliefs regarding death and dying, the use of English as a primary language and work ethic needed for financial security. In contrast there are many apparent differences, including family decision making patterns, temporal relationships, beliefs regarding alternative lifestyles, religious beliefs, education and non-verbal

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