Definition Essay About Happiness

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Make the shift from seeking happiness to *creating *it. The happiness that everyone desires is not the same we seek. We crave a deeper, lifelong happiness. It is at the root of all our goals and ambitions; ultimately it forms the core of every decision we make. Some people seem to be born with it and others identify with a lack of it. Although modern culture associates happiness with success and money, neither secure long-lasting happiness. Our desperate search for happiness has even inspired attempts to synthesise it. Picture of classic interpretation of happiness (money, beauty etc.). What makes people unhappy? Unhappiness occurs when life doesn't happen the way that you think it should. To be happy you must either change your mind or your circumstances. Manipulating…show more content…
We consistently seek the emotion of happiness outside of ourselves. Sometimes we seek it with validation or love. Happiness, as an emotion, can only occur in moments. Its cause may lie in the past, present or future, but its effect only exists now. In this sense, what we experience is not happiness but pleasure. Pleasure being the emotional and biological by-product of happiness. If external factors only give us pleasure in its various forms, what is happiness? Happiness is not a feeling or emotion but a state of mind. In the same way, we separate the emotion of enthusiasm from its origin, a positive state of mind. A state of mind may result in several outcome emotions. State of mind is chief to emotions because it produces and changes them independently, sometimes regardless of the situation. Oppositely, emotions are vulnerable to the world around us. For this very reason, we can use techniques like meditation to let go of thoughts and emotions, yet changing our state of mind is a bolder quest. Two old men are discussing marriage over a drink. "I'll tell you the secret to a long, happy marriage," the married man
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