Self Regulated Learning

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Self-regulated Learning: A Composite Concept Husain Abdulhay Payame Noor University of Qom, Iran Abstract: Issue of self versus other is also diligently stressed and applied in education so as to put person in control of situation, not a pawn at the mercy of conditions. In the same vein, this study aims to draw attention to a newly developed concept of learning which overemphasizes the role of individual learner in attunement of his thought, feelings and strategies to accelerate and escalate the extent of his learning. In doing so, a concise overview of this new phenomenon known as self-regulated learning is given at first and evidence attesting to the fruitfulness of such strategy is dispensed in the following.…show more content…
Effect of self-regulatory strategies on academic success has been well established in many studies (1995; Pintrich & De Groot, 1990; Pintrich, 1990; Zimmerman1990). In the realm of academic self-regulated learning cross-sectional and longitudinal studies in naturalistic and non naturalistic contexts that do address the development of self-regulated learning and that do consider the development and enhancement of self-regulated learning exist and still continue to exist. Wolters, A. C (2010) in a review study entitled the relation between the 21st Century and self-regulated learning (SRL) with reference to multiple studies evinced that however forging students into a self-regulated learner establishes the cornerstone of volition, motivation, and self-management in them transferable also to contexts outside of…show more content…
217). Zimmerman (1995) claims that self regulation is more than metacognitive knowledge and thinking skills. It concerns with self efficacy beliefs and the sense of agency and going through motivational and behavioral processes to effectuate the set beliefs. It constitutes a convoluted set of social, motivational and behavioral aspects that is inaugurated by individual referenced to self-factor (ibid). He persuades researchers to traverse metacognitive knowledge and skill to consider more the motivational and behavioral processes underlying self-efficacy and personal agency for effectuating these self
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