Task-Based Teaching Method

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Abstract: Task-based teaching plays an important part in creating an interactive environment and learning oriented performances. Task-based method, in which learners have an important role in self-development through the expression of ideas and knowledge, in a modern approach to improved learning. This research study adopts Quasi experimental approach aimed at investigating the effect of task-based learning program in syndicate literature classes with literature and linguistic students at graduate and undergraduate level. The objective of this research primarily revolved around gauging learners’ motivation and performance in the presence of natural content and task oriented learning environment. This study comprised of quantitative method in…show more content…
To engage students in task-based class, teacher needs to consider five principles: know your students, style of instruction, make the course relevant, active teaching, faculty availability to student’s. According to USC (University of South California, 2004) know your students which refer to evaluation of their names, backgrounds. Need analysis should be done, which helps instructors to relish learners need as it improves their involvement towards learn. Style of instruction refers to making classrooms interactive, activities should be in pairs and groups to be a vital means of engaging students. Thus the learning goals of course should be perceived as applicable and as relevant to the course as possible. Active teaching is defined as “A collaborative activity that can be used to teach concepts, classification characteristics, facts about objects, or review information” (Silberman, 1996, p.103). According to University of South California, “open door” is stated and meant as the faculty should be in access to students while continuing to encourage them. It refers to the outcomes for the learners, the instructors and teaching…show more content…
Teachers at the tertiary face numerous difficulties while implementing learner centered approach. According to teachers it requires more attention to preparations and requires more time to cover the required course and it’s difficult to cover the entire syllabus using the active learning approach or through minimal lectures. Considering task-based teaching methodology is one of the effective strategies of learning, especially when it plays a vital role in learners learning process. Learner-centered learning scope is getting wider with the passage of time. Teachers need to enhance learner’s intrinsic motivation by adapting different activities related to students interests to encourage active learning in the classroom. The primary perspective of present study is to explore the behavior of students regarding the task-based learning at graduation

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