Hearing Impairment In Physical Education

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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The present study serves as a pilot to investigate the lived experiences of motor related skill activities intervention for the students of Santo Niño SPED Center who were identified with a hearing impairment. Physical activity has long been known to produce positive health effects in children. The hearing impaired students in physical education have often been considered "normal" because there is nothing that obviously separates these students from the other students. They seem able to follow what the rest of the class is doing and to keep up with most of the games and skills performed in class. The facts are, however, that while researchers question some motoric differences of the hearing impaired, the most important…show more content…
It looks at ways of removing barriers that restrict life choices for disabled people. When barriers are removed, disabled people can be independent and equal in society, with choice and control over their own lives. Disabled people developed the social model of disability because the traditional medical model did not explain their personal experience of disability or help to develop more inclusive ways of living. An impairment is defined as long-term limitation of a person’s physical, mental or sensory…show more content…
You will know their lived experiences towards the motor skills that they are engage into. You will know whether your students learned and at the same enjoy from the activities that you let them perform. To the SPED Students This study will help you develop your motor skills. You will experience performing variety of activities that will help you enhance your abilities. To the Regular Students: This study will help you realize that even students with disabilities can do what you normal individuals can do. It will help you understand that persons with disabilities should not be discriminated but to be accepted because they are humans too and they have important roles in society. SCOPE and LIMITATIONS This study offers practical suggestions to physical education teachers as well as the classroom teachers teaching children with special needs at Santo Niño SPED Center for the promotion of participating physical activities. This involves children with disabilities wish to have the opportunity to compete favourably with their peer

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