Elderly Literature Review

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CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter reviewed different literatures related to the planned study such as understanding the research that has already been done in one’s area of interest (Mugenda, 1999). The literature review will show what is already known and what the gaps in knowledge are and the researcher capitalizes on the gaps discovered in the existing literature and make his current research and answer the questions which will be discovered not answered in the literature and also laid the foundation of the research. In the process of reviewing the relationship between elderly people and satisfaction in health care service delivery, this chapter will be divided into three parts: first part dealing with the definition…show more content…
It varies according to the period, place and social ranking. In pre-industrial for example life expectance was typically short and old age came early. Literature evidence reveals that the men were already considered old in their forties (Hauff, 2003; Couling, 2006; Ommand, 2009), suggests, a new division is emerging which is termed as “the young old”. The “young old” are those who are early retired and enjoy physical vigor, new leisure time and new opportunities for community services and fulfillment. There are the old which include those who are of advanced age and suffers various infirmities. In developed countries such as Britain and United States of America (USA) old age is associated with retirement at 60 Lewis (1995) in other countries retiring age differs according to gender. In Latvia for example, men retire at the age of 55 whereas women retire at the age of 60 Herman (1993). In Tanzania an individual is recognized as an older person and retire at the age of 60 years and that elderly people in rural areas and those who are self-employed stop working only due to limited energy from active, National aging policy of Tanzania…show more content…
Okoro et al (2005). analyzed data from the 2002 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and reported finding that 9% of older adults (65 and older) did not obtain needed medical care because of transportation problems, suggesting that they might be people living in rural areas, no longer drive, or depend on others or public transportation. Ahmed et al (2001), surveyed the non-elderly urban poor in door-to-door surveys and determined that 30% of respondents had a transportation barrier to health care to those living in poverty disproportionately affected. Rittner and Kirk found that public transportation barriers have adverse effects on the populations that depend most on them for health services access, namely the poor and older persons. The study described bus service to clinics as inconsistent, and bus stops were of poor quality and perceived to be unsafe. Likewise, a study assessing the impact of a transit strike in Minneapolis discovered a small decrease in the amount of scheduled primary care appointments during the three-week strike period at an urban hospital serving low-income and Medicaid patients ( Pheley

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