The Impact Of Texting On Mobile Communication

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The SMS (short message service) was developed in 1984 by Friedhelm Hillebrand and Bernard Ghillebaert. SMS, also known as text messaging, is a platform used to communicate from one phone to another. One text can even come from a desktop computer to a cellphone. At the time, one SMS could only be composed of 160 characters- that included letters, symbol and numbers in the Latin alphabet. Neil Papworth was the first ever man to successfully send a message in 1992, 6 years after the SMS concept was developed. Papworth used his computer to type his text since mobile phones at the time didn’t have any keypads. 5 years later, Nokia was the first handset manufacturer to produce a cell phone with a full and functional keyboard. They branded this the…show more content…
Another study on cell phone communication was conducted by Israeli researchers on how texting affects human behavior. It was found that teens who begin chatting when they are upset usually feel better after they are able to communicate with a friend. Apparently, the digital barrier provides a certain sense of comfort. Texting and other forms of mobile communication apparently also helps the introverted teenagers, this was shown in the research done by the NYU Child Study Center when they surveyed teens. It gives them an opportunity to express themselves better in a way where they are comfortable and can feel free of any form of judgement. One of the luminous ways text messaging is helpful is the sense of urgency and importance every message brings. It allows us to quickly and simply relay information from one person to another. Texting is very beneficial because it is a convenient way to communicate with loved ones who are far away and to keep track with their lives. Clinical Psychologist Michael J. Breus, Ph.D. states that teenagers today send approximately atleast 100 texts per day and this happens

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