Calcium Deficiency In Cattle Summary

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Calcium Deficiency in Cattle Australia is the world’s second largest producer of beef and live cattle. In the beef cattle industry there is various number of deficiencies that cattle can contract due to the climate, feed, soil and weather. One deficiency that can affect the extensive grazing industry is calcium deficiency in cattle. This deficiency can have massive effects on the industry because intensively fed cattle can get place the animal under stress resulting in a lethal toxin affecting the connection from nerves to the muscle which resulting the animal coming paralysis. The calcium deficiency that this found in cattle and is also commonly known as Botulinum. Botulinum is instigated by a botulinum toxin which is the product of bacterium…show more content…
With this there is short term effects such as calcium deficiency. However, if an animal has a long-term calcium dietary deficiency it can scientifically cause serve production problems. But the following techniques can help clear or minimise the deficiency. Olsson’s Calcium – Molasses + 10% Urea is a product the has been strategy designed to counteract the of high phosphorus levels in grains. It supplies cattle with calcium and protein to help assist in digestion and increase conversion rates. The block is helpful for balancing the deficiency and improves production rates. Another technique used to boost an animals’ calcium intake is to feed them forages such as legumes and silage because they provide higher level of calcium than grasses. But the calcium content varies in forages due to quantity of calcium available in the soil, maturity and climate. Another really effect technique that is used to minimise calcium deficiencies in cattle is to give them supplemental calcium which can be sourced from calcium sulphate, feed-grade limestone, monocalcium phosphate, dicalcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. Approximately 22% of Dicalcium phosphate is made up of calcium, this supplement is added to the diet of livestock to balance out the calcium to phosphorus ratio and it adds both minerals to the animals’ diet. A supplement the is commonly added to beef cattle diets to increase the calcium levels within the animals that…show more content…
Therefore, can result in the animal becoming paralysis due to the deadly toxin that can inferring the connection between the nerves and muscle. This deficiency can have a massive effect on the extensive grazing industry in Australia due to it being one of the large industries in Australian agriculture sector. Mineral block, vaccines and supplements have been strategy made minimised or prevented a calcium deficiency in cattle therefore lessening the effect on the extensive grazing industry in

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