Importance Of Management

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Nowadays, the world has changed and the standard of living as at least in a middle class family has been increased. We cannot solely learn any technical skill and start a business with that technical skill as foundation. In order to start and succeed the business, we need management skill, no doubt. If we are satisfied to live in low class family, we can go and work as cashier in McDonald because this is where we belong to. If we want to have better life for our family and us, we have to change our mind and are able to manage, to control every situation that may be faced in our business and life. As the most suitable example about the importance of management in order to succeed, that will be Steve Jobs. He knew about information…show more content…
In New Era of Management, it did not mention about the size of group and departments within organization that can utilize the concept of planning, but in Management – Leading & Collaboration in a Competitive World, it had stated planning is not only limited to organization or company but also to be used on individual, small group and different departments within organization. Besides, in New Era of Management, it had stated more details about the planning process than that had been mentioned in Modern Management, Fifth Edition, such as deciding objectives for the organization in the future, defining the activities and how to utilise the available resources to attain the objectives. Some Organizational resources are required in order to achieve the objectives such as human, information, financial capital, raw materials and technology. The difference between Management- A Practical Introduction(four edition) and New Era of Management is that New Era Of Management stated that planning is a process that includes deciding how to make good use of organizational resources to attain those goals but it did not show in ‘Management – A Practical Introduction (Fourth Edition)’ .Lastly, the difference between New Era of Management and Managing Organisations New Challenge & Perspectives is that writer Stephen and Debu built up a hierarchy to coordinates activities while Richard had not state about it.…show more content…
Besides , the definition of leading stated in New Era of Management is the ways to attain what had been planned for the organization by affecting the employees positively , in other words , motivating the employees through various types of communication and activities such as creating a better working environment which contains less contradiction. In this way, employees will be able to perform in a higher level. Whereas, “Modern Management, Fifth Edition” and “Management – A Practical Introduction (Fourth Edition)” stated that leading is a process which includes guiding the behaviours or the performances of other people as to attain the stated goals. Guiding, in this sense, means influencing individuals to act in a certain way or to follow a specific activity. By comparing these four books, we can conclude that, the difference in these four book and our textbook is the main concern of function and the influence on employees whether to guide them or motivate
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