Digital Media Impact

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The Impact of Digital Media on Children’s Social Skills Have you ever observed a bus filled with teenagers? Typically one might notice that some are socializing, but the majority are either listening to or playing games on their digital devices. Some technology can be useful for some social interaction; however, some kids are letting the internet take control of social lives and slowly the ability to socialize face-to-face is decreasing. While many are looking at the educational benefits that these devices can provide for a child; they fail to identify the impacts they have on their social development. Burks pointed out that, “As children come into contact with electronic media, a new study shows that the embracing of this technology does have…show more content…
Digital media is now reshaping the platform for how children learn. Young children are exposed to various types of information through different mode of acquiring digital information. The use of digital media to develop kid’s cognitive skills may be examined twofold; it can aids in children’s cognitive ability. But on the other hand it can also limit their cognitive skills. Now let’s look at how these might be impacted. Digital media can aid in a child’s cognitive growth. In agreement with Stewart, who said that if digital media is use for the right purpose, it can aid in the development of a child’s cognitive growth; in that not all screen time are bad for a child, but it should be done in a way intended for development of self in a positive way. For example; there are digital games that help a child to develop his/her, reasoning, thinking and vocabulary development. Therefore digital media can aid a child to grow in these…show more content…
As was stated by Stewart, there is a greater need for more vocabulary instruction at all grade levels; as there is a break down in children vocabulary abilities, in recent times. The “text Language” has been adapted by many young children and most of them find it hard to spell, read or understand proper verbal or written communication outside of the “text language”. For example a child, who always uses the abbreviated text language, will not be able to develop good oral and written communication skills which is important to become successful in adult life. Such a child will become an adult lacking good
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