Kroncong History

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Russian traditional music have be born in 19th century and it specifically deals with the folk in traditional Russian music of the ethnic Russian people. This music have be teach since ancestors. This music is closely tied in with the village life and traditions. This traditional music of course not perform with professional musicians. According to Central Committee's resolution of 1932, which prescribed musical literacy (in parallel to the drive to industrialise the Soviet Union), there has been a marked decline in authentic folk performance practice. Now move to folkloric music , this music incudes by groups led by music professionals, past and present, who have taken authentic musical material. They also perform based on what authentic…show more content…
Kroncong was born in Portugis and also known as a Fado , Fado is a song that have a Arab tone. Keroncong Tugu was named after a monument. During the revolutionary period in 1945-1950 Indonesia, why songs get new roles, such as "why revolution". Why the song is independent of the load lyrics generally reflects nationalism. In further developments, why they are subjected to various influences, both from the West music dance Cha Cha Cha, Tango, Foxtrot and etc. After World War I, with the infiltration of popular songs from the West, Western music Infiltration occurs as a result of the construction of hotels in Indonesia in the 1920s, as an example Savoy Hotel in Bandung, where the hotel frequently organizes musical performances dance, make music when it was influenced by Western pop songs with a length of 32 Bar without intro and coda in four parts: AABA, then known as the style…show more content…
Cak is played by strumming. It has a very fast and catchy sound. Cuk is played by picking and tremolo. It need a full of patient to learn this instrument because this instrument have played picking and tremolo at once. Cello is played by finger picking and each string on the cello have to complete the memorandum notes that sound when played mass will sound again expands. Double bass will be played for the music bass. Guitar is the most important role in kroncong and it will play the chromatic scale , arpeggio scale and jawa scale according to the songs given. In kroncong vocal wise , it is commonly used head voice. For the melody instruments there is no restriction in using any kind of melodic instrument. For melody instrument, violin or flute can be
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