Disadvantages Of Mobile Learning

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In 2012 textbook saga highlighted the inefficiency of textbook distribution, not to mention the high cost of printing and transporting materials continues, with schools still claiming that they do not have all the correct textbooks(O’HAGAN, 2014). Mobile learning is gaining its popularity as it is accepted to be an effective technique of delivering lesson and acquiring knowledge as its main strengths are anytime and anyplace(Bidin, 2012). Mobile technology has gained increased focus in academic circles as a way to enable learning that is not confined by time and place(Callum, 2013).Before mobile technology can be introduced into a teaching and learning situation, it would be expected that the confidence and ability of the teachers’ to understand…show more content…
Even though we know that students typically own three or more mobile devices, the reality is that they are interacting with many more devices during the day (Eisele-Dyrli, 2014). Using tablets to connect with friends via facebook, the students were found to be working together, communicating and sharing information with friends regularly(Laohajaratsang, 2013). When asked what other uses respondents have with their devices; fifteen respondents stated that they also use their mobile devices for calling or texting students; five respondents used them for recording meetings and taking notes; two for taking 660 attendance and marking students work; one for authoring e-books for course, and attending seminars(Callum, 2014). The variables that arise from the interaction between technological tools and other elements in the environment are innumerable because each combination of platform, mobile technology and other technological mediating agents changes the way in which the activity at hand is approached and executed(Adele BOTHA1, 2007). The significant growth of wireless and mobile computing technologies has caused the conversion of the delivery of knowledge through the digital learning from distance learning (dLearning) to electronic learning (e-Learning) and ultimately to the mobile learning (m-Learning) model of today(Bidin,
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