The BMW Group: Case Study Of BMW

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The BMW group was founded in 1916 in Germany more precisely in Munich, Bavaria. On the 7th of March the company will be celebrating their 101st anniversary. The group currently has three brands under its wings. The original BMW with diverse series targeting different markets, MINI, and Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. The presence of this German company is everywhere worldwide. The manufacturer is currently present in 14 countries worldwide for its manufacturing business. In total 31 manufacturing and assembling factories employing 124,719 employees. It also works with more than 12,000 suppliers worldwide. THE APPROACH The giant auto manufacturer’s approach to sustainability is one of the best in the auto industry and in the world. The group always…show more content…
• The manufacturing facilities have reduced water consumption by 31% since 2006 by using closed water cycles and not leaving wastewater. • The Leipzig factory BMW i3 as well as the Spartanburg factory use hydrogen forklifts which means a facility is CO2 free, 63% of the electricity used in the BMW factories are from renewable sources. • BMW i3 interior is fully made with eucalyptus wood filling the requirement imposed by the Forest Stewardship Council. • More than 3000 hours of sustainability training have been given to 800 employees since 2013. • BMW group trained kenaf (used in door trims of the i3) producers to ensure sustainable production of the plant. To this day, 1000 producers have been trained. • On a small scale, BMW is now using two full-electric trucks to deliver i3 & i8 parts to their facilities in Leipzig. • All suppliers need to fill out a sustainability questionnaire given by BMW since 2009. More than 5000 supplier facilities have been visited in 2016. Employees & Society • BMW have given access to bicycles to employees in their Munich location that contains 21 stands and 188…show more content…
This is also very relevant for the production processes of the BMW Group. They require resources to produce the vehicles and the energy they consume generates emissions. What is more, production can be impaired by the impacts of climate change. For this reason, we continuously increase our energy and resource efficiency and minimise CO2 and pollutant emissions from our production. RECOMMENDATIONS The automotive industry has shown itself to be one with impressive barriers to entry. Neither should it be assumed that the existing large vehicle manufacturers are unable to migrate to a structure of this nature. Only one thing seems certain: new product technologies do more than just change the character of the product itself, they enable innovative business models and new structural relationships. Profitability is a necessary but insufficient condition for sustainability: the environment and social dimensions must also be included. The way products are introduced into the market must be carefully monitored to achieve proper results. New products can be introduced on a factory-by-factory basis and high product variety via modular design will become possible. The overall financial risk associated with new products will be much lower than with traditional

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