Case Study Of Robert Bosch's Fish Bone Decision

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1.1 Consider the range of decisions to be taken Structure decisions making is a well known strategy and is one of the decisions that are taken seriously from an organization to accomplish the task that they are facing. Large company such as Robert Bosch GMBH would have their own specialized ways on making the structured decisions.Robert Bosch had come out with this strategy to make any structured decisions called it the, ‘Fish Bone Structure’. Therefore, when it comes to making decisions, Robert Bosch would have a official meeting where they will work together and start brainstorming out all kinds of solutions to solve the particular problem. Each employee would come out with a few solutions and find the root cause and the decision making…show more content…
Actions taken , decision made are only for a particular reason and maybe for some unique occasion. Robert Bosch GMBH, top management, strategic level had made some infrequent decision where they had sell their part of business to some other companies such as Blaupunkt. Blaupunkt is manufacturer that produces electronic parts and it is a 100% subordinate with Robert Bosch GMBH until 1 March 2009. Robert Bosch GMBH sold the Blaupunkt because the the products are not selling very well. The products are not up to the expectations of the customers and had effect the profit margin in Robert Bosch GMBH. In the end, Robert Bosch had sold this branch plant to the company Aurelies AG in Germany for a concealed amount. The products currently had changed into, ‘Bosch’ and not ‘Blaupunkt anymore’. Furthermore, Robert Bosch GMBH had currently focus more on their hot business manufacturers to join. In short, Robert Bosch GMBH wants to have more partnerships with others. For an example, 3 Billion Euros were spent in September 2014 when Robert Bosch GMBH had agreed to joint venture with Siemens AG and took a 50% stake from them. They end up forming a name called the BSH Hausgerete and currently they are having 80 companies in 50 countries. There are quite an amount of workforce working for this company in a range between 50000 - 53000 people. This had already help Robert Bosch GMBH to increase in their revenue. Mainly, BSH Hausgerete are selling products more to home appliances like laundry, cooking machines, dish washing, and also refrigerator. Moreover, Robert Bosch GMBH had made some decision to take over 50% of the stakes and get the profit. Robert Bosch GMBH had bought up half of the stakes of the steering systems completely from the ZF Lenksysteme GMBH joint venture with an unclear amount. Its states that this joint venture company had made an

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