Urbanization In Automobile Industry

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Today’s society is warm with urbanization and demonstration effect. With a view towards it, there are drastic changes coming up in all sectors even in the automobile industries. The following information gives an insight about it. In the present context the companies operate on the principle of natural selection –“Survival Of The Fittest”. Only those companies will succeed which at best match to the current environmental imperatives – those who can deliver what people are ready to buy. But real marketing does not involve the art of selling what the manufacturers make. Organizations gain market leadership by understanding consumer needs and finding solutions that delight consumers. If customer value and satisfaction are absent, no amount of…show more content…
BUILDING AND MANAGING PORFITABLE CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS. II. BUILDING AND MANAGING STRONG BRANDS. III. HARNESSING NEW MARKETING TECHNOLOGIES IN THIS DIGITAL AGE. IV. MARKETING IN A SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE WAY AROUND THE GLOBE. One of the fastest growing industries in the world is automobile industry. This automobile industry even has its influence on the Indian market. Probably automobile industries occupy a large market share in the worlds market as well as in the Indian market. Nearly 18% of the total national income is being incurred from the automobile industry. From this we can estimate how important the automobile industry in the improvement of GDP of a country is. In India automobile industry has a growth rate is at the average of…show more content…
I have collected my data through phone calling and through direct communication with respondents in one form or another or through personal interviews. Through observation method I was able to record the natural behavior of the 67 group. Sometimes I verified the truth of statements made by informants in the context of a questionnaire. • Secondary data are those data which are being already collected by someone else and which have already been passed through the statistical process. I have collected my published date form Internet and the books, magazines and newspaper. The information given in the above part is based on market survey, meeting with the people, and phone calls, and the other medium like internet. My project is based upon the interaction with the people. • We have to target only a particular segment (higher class & upper middle class) • Sometimes customers don’t give time. • Sometimes customers give fake information. • Customers like doctors don’t have much time to visit showroom for test drive so we have to go to them at the time at which they are

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