Importance Of Human Resource Development

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1.0 INTRODUCTION Employee training and development have been explained by different scholars to be of very importance to organizations. It is the responsibility of organizations to train and develop their staff so as to enhance effective performance and bring about positive outcomes in the organizations. Human resource development (HRD) is concerned with the provision of learning, development and training opportunities in order to improve individual, team and organizational performance. HRD is essentially a business-led approach to developing people within a strategic framework. (Armstrong, 2006). The common approach in training and development under human resource management (HRM) is identifying training needs and designing training to…show more content…
HRD is essentially a business-led approach to developing people within a strategic framework. 1.1.2 Organizational…show more content…
Developing an organizational strategy for a business involves first comparing its present state to its targeted state to define differences and then starting what is required for the desired changes to take place. 1.1.3 Training According to Gupta, C.B (2006) training referrers to process of increasing knowledge and skills for doing a particular job. It is an organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and skills for a defined purpose Training is the use of systematic and planned instruction activities to promote learning. The approach can be summarized in the phrase ‘learner-based training’. It involves the use of formal processes to impart knowledge and help people to acquire the skills necessary for them to perform their jobs satisfactorily. It is described as one of several responses an organization can undertake to promote learning. (Armstrong M, 2006). Also training can be defined as the systematic approach affecting individuals’ knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to improve individual, teams and organizational effectiveness. .( Aguinis H and Kurt K,
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