Ambassador Car Case Study

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Rise and Fall of Ambassador car: Introduction: Based on Britain’s Morris Oxford series of cars by the Morris Motors, Ambassador was the first car to be produced in India. It started production in 1958, and for a long time was the only car to be sold in India. In the fiscal year ending March 2014, the company sold only 2,200 cars out of the 1.8 million cars sold in India that year. Despite the fact that it had over 70% market share at a time, how did they lose their grip and slip to a mere 0.12% market share this year Ambassador can be called as an first indian car. Although car has an British legacy, it is considered as definitive Indian car. Ambassador was born in 1958. The car owes its design and technology to a British car model - Morris…show more content…
There was a time when people had to wait for over a year from the date of booking to the delivery of the new car. However, the increasing popularity of Maruti 800 hatchback was a warning about the impending future. Soon after, in the 1990s after liberalization took over the country and markets opened up to new players, people started buying different car models. The waning popularity of the Ambassador should have been a signal for the management to innovate which they chose to…show more content…
Today the number must be hardly couple of thousands. And who were responsible for this condition of HM? • CITU, the trade union of CPM played the major role. Neither the Birla management had the guts nor did wills to make it a great automobile plant of the country, nor the government help it out. Surprisingly HM never gave any dividends to its shareholders. • Strategy Implementation HR Aspect:HRM supplies the company with a competent and willing workforce, which is responsible for executing strategies. • Maruti Udyog and Hindustan Motors are manufacturing cars, essentially using identical technology. The secret behind the meteoric rise of Maruti is its workforce. • Human resource today is heavily involved in the execution of the company’s downsizing and restructuring strategies, through out placing employees, instituting performance- linked pay plans, reducing health- care costs and retraining employees. And, in an increasingly competitive global market place, instituting people development practices that build employee commitment can help improve an organization’s

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