Texting In Classroom

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In the research article, The Use and Abuse of Cell Phones and Text Messaging in the Classroom, by Deborah R. Tindell and Robert W. Bohlander (2012), the authors assert that school faculty should address the problem of cell phone usage in the classroom through policy change. In addition to their own study and its analysis, Tindell and Bohlander present findings from other studies done on the effects of cell phone use in the classroom. The authors compiled these informational studies together and conducted one of their own in order to stir school faculty to address the problem of cell phone abuse. The audience for this article are the students and school faculty who are unaware of the arguments for and against cell phone use in the classroom,…show more content…
Studies show that allowing text messaging in the classroom is detrimental to information retention. In the study by Chaklader and Bohlander the authors note that “test performance was significantly lower for the students who received two or three text messages [in class], indicating that the ability to focus on and learn the material was negatively impacted by the texting” (2). The lower test scores of the sample students who texted during class substantiated the observation that texting affected the students’ ability to fully comprehend a lecture. In addition, Tindell and Bohlander interjected evidence that cell phone technology provides an opportunity to cheat on exams. “With web-browsing phones, it is even possible to look up answers to questions directly, using sites such as Wikipedia or ChaCha.com” (2). This is compounded with another study analyzed by Tindell and Bohlander where 25% of the student sample reported using text messaging specifically to cheat on an exam (5). The available access of information through cellphones becomes a means for academic dishonesty, and therefore, undermines a productive learning environment in the classroom. Through the use of study data which indicate the adversarial repercussions of allowing texting in the classroom, Tindell and Bohlander demonstrate logos in order to bring about cell phone policy
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