Student Fluency Analysis

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6. Describe activities that teachers can use to help students become more fluent readers. As the textbook states, “Fluency instruction is designed to increase automatic word recognition, or the smoothness of the reading; rate, or the pace of reading; and prosody, or expression, appropriate phrasing, and attention to punctuation”, (Sharon Vaughn, 2015, p. 225). The textbook gives several suggestions and ideas for teaching fluency to students. One of the instructional strategies is previewing books and read alouds. “There is a growing emphasis on the importance of reading aloud to children and previewing a book as ways not only to develop an enjoyment of literature and books but also to model and build fluent reading”, (Sharon Vaughn, 2015,…show more content…
I feel that reading aloud to children is one of the most vital activities that teachers and parents can do to help foster a child’s reading. Our class has a daily “read aloud”, where I model for the students on how to preview the book, and engage the students by asking them questions about the illustrations on the cover of the book. I then read the book aloud to the students, while modeling fluent reading and expressions. I engage the students by asking inferencing and comprehension questions. Other fluency strategies suggested by the text are repeated reading, choral repeated reading, and peer-supported reading. As the title of the strategies suggest, repeated reading and choral repeated reading is when students read passages several times either independently or aloud as a group. “Students reading below grade level who have used repeated reading have…show more content…
Describe how you would adapt the directed reading activity, the directed reading-thinking activity, and literature-based reading and whole language to support students with reading problems. I adapt the directed reading activity and the directed reading-thinking activity into one reading session with my students. As stated earlier in the journal reflection, I use a direct instruction reading program with my Kindergarten students. The students are grouped by ability, into small cooperative groups of 2-6 students. This supports the directed reading thinking activity, which suggests that students be grouped by approximately the same reading level in groups ranging from 2 to 10 students. I serve as the facilitator or moderator of the lesson and all the students in the group participate in the same reading lesson and material. If the students are to the point in the reading program were they are reading small passages, the students participate in predicting, questioning, and summarizing strategies during the lesson. As a group the students and I review the text, clarify vocabulary, and check for comprehension. All of the strategies support both the directed reading activity and directed reading-thinking activity. I adapt literature-based reading and whole language for students in my classroom as well. My students participate in literature-based read alouds, and other stories based on our unit of study. I use instructional strategies and activities that draw on the

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