Literature Review: A Critical Review Of Related Literature

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CHAPTER - II CRITICAL REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Introduction A review of literature is a description of the existing research that is significant and relevant to a particular topic. The term “review” means “revision” or “glance over” or “refer back on”. Every piece of ongoing research needs to be connected with the work already done, to attain an overall relevance and purpose. A literature review gives an overview of the field of inquiry: what has already been said on the topic, who the key writers are, what the prevailing theories and hypotheses are, what questions are being asked, and what methodologies and methods are appropriate and useful. It covers everything relevant that is written on a topic such as books, journal articles,…show more content…
The project took place during one semester of the academic year. The tool questionnaire was used in this study. It was based on a survey that Osuna and Meskill (1998) developed for their study. The students evaluated each statement on a 6 – point Likert scale. At the end of the survey, the students were asked two open-ended questions to report what they liked about the course and what they did not like. Findings  Almost all of the students found that the Web was a valuable learning tool and that its use was necessary.  It also indicates that Web – search project may be better for teaching certain aspects of the target language (Eg: culture, vocabulary and grammar).  The use of the Web made the course more interesting because the Web offered current and varied information.  The students reported that they would continue to use the Web even after the end of the course.  The students found that they liked learning English and computer skills at the same time. 4. Windeatt, Scott., Observing CALL in action., Computers in English Language Teaching and Research. (ed): Leech, Geoffrey and Christopher N. Candlin,…show more content…
In addition, the schools were equipped with computer labs. The sample of the study consists of (212) first secondary students assigned randomly to eight sections. Four sections were randomly assigned to the experimental group (scientific, literary males and scientific, literary females); each section consists of (20) students selected and assigned randomly, and four assigned to the control group (scientific males (20 students), literary males (27 students), scientific females (45 students) and literary females (40 students)). The experimental groups were taught the passive voice via computer while the control groups were taught the same grammatical item by the traditional method. The sample students were chosen from Al-Zarqa Directorate of Education. To implement this study successfully, the researchers have developed two types of instruments: an achievement test, and a software program. The test reliability was obtained through a test-retest method, which was calculated using Pearson correlation formula. Findings • Findings showed that there are statistically significant differences in the achievement mean scores of the subjects of the experimental group who studied the passive voice via computer and the control group who studied the same grammatical item using the contemporary method. • The results of the present study found that no significant differences between the computerized

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