Personal Narrative: My Cultural Identity

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Culture Identity is was how your live and how different your life is different to other. Each of us might have the same traditions and different traditions. In my culture it's based of where I lived, my family norms, and food. Stills there is a lot more that shape my culture but these are the biggest that impact it the most. Locations and how I work on projects and stuff really impact my life. I was born in the silicon valley, next to the beach. Then I moved a couple more places, after that go back to California finally settling in Las Vegas. In all the places I have lived it seemed to be very business related. Silicon Valley is very laid back, fresh out of college, and risk free feel about its work environment. Another place I lived was Connecticut:…show more content…
The norms in my life are very weird; any events in my life or my family/relatives that we plan it needs to be family orientated. It's normal for me to check with my family before I plan anything and vice versa: family night out, party, vacations, school events, and event we are invited too. One of my favorite norms we have is that if we have a problem within our family we lean on each other to help, we are so close to each other is seems like we are just a giant family altogether. When we fight is always hard to sides. Another family norm is every school break, we plan to drive to California; to spend time with family, and catch up on the latest news. We plan trips to California for weeks, to plan the right moment get everything on our list checked off. The norm, I hate the most is that we pay great attention to our manners and manners of others. Itsane how my family are criticizing everything we do and how people react. I thinks its kinda crazy to much that everything has to be perfect. One of the most greatest norm that my family does is to learn how to cook. How to cook simple dishes and how to cook Filipino dishes as well; to keep traditions alive throughout the generations to
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