Essay On Importance Of Communication

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Communication Seems to be the most important aspect of Education Today. A student’s Learning remains incomplete without developing the Language skills- Listening,Reading, Speaking and Writing. The main objective of Education today is not limited within acquiring knowledge but it has expanded to utilization of the same in the practical life. Here comes the need of the skill of Communication. The students who opt for post graduation mostly with an ambition to get more exposure are found lacking the communication skill. They may be excellent learners with strong hold over the Specialized subject but sometimes, they lack the level of confidence to express the same knowledge to prove their own efficiency. This is a matter of Concern when a graduate…show more content…
It is essential because it involve the language skills such as reading, writing, Speaking and listening which are mostly important to use a language. The success of the students depend upon mastering those language skills which not only give them better career opportunity but also make them socially and culturally better Communicators. Vani (2016)mentioned that peer team teaching can serve as a better approach to develop communication skills as it provides the platform to the students to overcome the fear factor and help in developing the confidence level to face the audience. Murthy, Rajaram, Sthuraman, Choudhury (2017) focused on Communication skill development as a multidisciplinary Approach and raised a question to find the answer of the need of Communication training in the field of Medical Science too. In order to develop the co-relation between the physician and the patient it is needed to satisfy the need and requirement of the patients, understanding their expectations and to answer their queries tactfully, proper communication is must. The interaction with the patients is must to study the psychology of the patients much better. Action

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