Social Anxiety Case Study

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The psychodynamic approach came about due to the work of Sigmund Freud. While working as a doctor, Freud noticed that many patients had no physical cause to their medical conditions. This led him to believe that the medical conditions are the result of the unconscious mind of the patient (Skilsyouneed, 2011). The psychodynamic approach assumes that our past experiences continue to have a profound influence on our behaviour, thoughts and feelings (Dryden & Mytton, N.d.). Therefore, psychotherapists and counsellors use this approach to direct as much of their focus and energy on analysing past relationships and in particular traumatic childhood experiences in relation to an individuals’s current life (Counsellingstaff, 2015). This practice is…show more content…
Add an example here. Therefore, in Andy’s case, CBT will be used. CBT combines cognitive and behavioural techniques. Clients are taught ways to change thoughts and expectations and relaxation techniques (BACP, N.d.). In CBT for social anxiety, it helps the client uncover the underlying causes of their worries and fears, teaches them how to relax, look at situation in new, less frightening ways, develop better coping and problem-solving skills and give then the tools to overcome anxiety and teach them how to use them (SPSCC, 2010). Counselling will focus on a clients’ ability to accept behaviour, clarify problems and difficulties and understand the reasoning behind the importance of setting goals. Individuals make their own choices of responses to life events and strive towards personally meaningful goals. This is important with respect to social anxiety as clients know that there is a better way, the sense that they do have a choice and want to succeed in social situations so personal goals could be relevant for them (Gittings, 2000). With the help of self-management training, assertive exercises and role-playing, the counsellor can help a client work towards their goals (Martin, 2012). Some of the CBT techniques that can be used in relation to Andy are exposure, social skills training and cognitive restructuring. Exposure is partially predicted on the assumption that the client must fully experience the feared situation in order for change to happen (Foa & Kozak, 1986). During exposure, the client is instructed to stay in the feared situation with the expectation that na exposure of sufficient length will produce new learning or habituation and therefore reduce anxiety in that situation. In order to make this manageable for the clients, exposure begins with lower-ranked situations and move gradually to more highly feared situations (Rodebaugh, Holloway & Heimberg, 2004). In

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