Module 3: A Case Study

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Module 3: Application Assignment Danielle Park Lamar University Module 3: Application Assignment Assessment Process The assessment and treatment planning that takes place in this assignment refers to a case study known as Milo. Milo is a 22 year old male who has been abusing alcohol for a long period of time (Lab, 2015). His drinking began at the age of nine, as he used the alcohol to overcome his anxiety of being social with others. He was diagnosed with social anxiety disorder yet continued to cope with his anxiety by drinking alcohol (Lab, 2015). As he got older and of legal age he continued drinking and has had several girlfriends that are heavy drinkers. His drinking intensified and he began blacking out during his drinking. During his…show more content…
Milo was known to be distressingly shy as a child and experienced very high anxiety when he was in social environments. He was early diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. We can use this in our evaluation of behavioral characteristics. It will be essential to determine what phase of his dependence he is in. I would assess that Milo has just entered the chronic phase. He has lost control of his substance use and has begun blacking out. He is drinking and driving without recalling how he got from one destination to another. He is spiraling further into this phase of abuse as he continues to use and is already experiencing tremors (Lab, 2015). In consideration of evaluating social, and family related symptoms there is a useful questionnaire in assessing behavioral symptoms that can be used. Additionally, in gathering further information for diagnosis there is a list of questions pertaining to behavioral symptoms. These questions can be asked of Milo to help determine the patterns of substance abuse. Milo’s sister may be willing to participate in these questions as well to help gather information on family…show more content…
It correctly identifies up to 95% off alcoholics, therefore can be considered to be reliable and valid for this case study (Moss-King, 2013). For this case study I will utilize the MAST/AD. The decision to use the MAST/AD stemmed from research showing that the addition of alcohol-drug to the assessment accurately identified substance abuse in spite of the substance (Westermeyer, Yargic, & Thuras, 2004). This modified version helps to identify general addiction severity, rather than using separate assessments for drugs and alcohol abuse (Westermeyer, Yargic, & Thuras, 2004). The MAST/ AD is an interview- based rating scale (Westermeyer, Yargic, & Thuras, 2004). It contains 25 items with weighted scoring that can and scored by hand or computer program. Although, Milo does not reveal any other drug use it is essential to identify any drug use. Additionally, the SASSI-3 will be used as an additional tool for diagnosis. The data collected will help to determine with 90% accuracy the substance abuse diagnosis of Milo. Furthermore, it overthrows his efforts to “second guess” or his endeavors to choose the “correct” answer (Moss-King, 2013). The data collected will help to determine with 90% accuracy the substance abuse diagnosis of Jamie. This SASSI-3 will additionally help in determining substance abuse versus substance dependence with an accuracy of 94% (Moss-King,

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